学术成果 - 浙江数字化发展与治理研究中心


研究中心文章刊发于国际A类期刊Information & Management 来源:浙江数字化发展与治理研究中心  发布时间:2020-10-09  浏览次数:2812

近日,由研究中心刘渊、董思怡、卫军、童昱共同完成的论文 Assessing Cloud Computing Value in Firms through Socio-Technical Determinants 见刊于 Information & Management 杂志 (SCI&SSCI 检索,2019 影响因子 5.155,5年影响因子 6.714 ,信息系统领域A类期刊)。





While cloud computing is touted as a promising information technology advancement, predictions of its value are inconclusive. This research investigates the impact of cloud computing within-firm and across-firm. Drawing on the resource-based view and sociotechnical theory, technical attributes and social attributes of cloud computing are identified to impact firm performance via primary and support use. Results from data collected from 513 firms show varying effects of technical and social attributes in primary use and support use, which help create value and better performance. Such effects also are found to differ between firms in service and manufacturing sectors.


Resource-based View; cloud computing; primary and support use; socio-technical theory; Firm Performance; Value creation

Direct reference format

Liu, Y., Dong, S., Wei, J., & Tong, Y. (2020). Assessing Cloud Computing Value in Firms through Socio-Technical Determinants. Information & Management, 103369. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2020.103369